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Abel & Cole’s Ed Ayton to speak at Logistics Manager’s Sustainable Supply Chain Conference

Abel & Cole’s Ed Ayton to speak at Logistics Manager’s Sustainable Supply Chain Conference

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Ed Ayton, sustainability & ethics advisor at Abel & Cole, is confirmed to be speaking at Logistics Manager’s Sustainable Supply Chain Conference on 25 June 2024 in London.

In his role as the sustainability & ethics advisor for grocery delivery company Abel & Cole, Ed Ayton manages supply chain impacts such as biodiversity, animal welfare and human rights. With a passion for wildlife, sustainability and good food, he believes all three can meet with mutual benefit and finds there’s usually a great story behind it all too.

Once considered a poor commercial driver, animal welfare is now consistently factoring highly in customers shopping decisions. As the public and investors alike seek assurances of welfare and risk management, retailers and manufacturers are increasingly advertising positive welfare claims, and need ambitious policies to fulfil expectations. This responsibility can fall in the gaps between procurement and sustainability teams, and often conflicts with commerciality.

In his session, Ayton will explain Abel & Cole’s journey to setting the benchmark for good animal welfare in retail, from pushing it up the sustainability agenda to handling complex customer communications, offering insight into how to build an effective and ambitious policy.

Session title: Animal welfare on the sustainability agenda: bridging the gap between policy and action
• What should be included in a good animal welfare policy
• Why animal welfare is so important to wider sustainability performance
• How to influence C-suite action and balance an ambitious policy with commercial flexibility

If you would like to be considered as a potential speaker, please contact [email protected].

Ayton will be joined by speakers from the likes of Quorn Foods, The Cotswold Company and Cross River Partnership at the event. Plus, attendees can expect to hear from Joseph Hurst, transport sustainability lead at Nestlé UK and Ireland, about the company’s net zero strategy and how it is decarbonising its transport operations. Keep an eye out on Twitter and LinkedIn for more speaker announcements as the event draws closer.

The conference, which will be held at 30 Euston Square, is a one-day face-to-face event where delegates can hear directly from industry-leading speakers about how business sustainability can influence their bottom line. It is totally free to attend for buyers of logistics services.

Innovation will continue to drive supply chain sustainability in the years to come. At the Sustainable Supply Chain Conference, delegates will learn how to ‘go green’ throughout their end-to-end operations, discussing topics such as procurement, operations, retirement, data and communication. Overall, the conference will consider the environmental and human impact of products, from cradle to grave.

From raw materials sourcing, production, storage and delivery to every transportation link in-between, the journey is not easy – the complexity of many supplier relationships and border crossings makes supply chain sustainability extremely challenging. But the payback for getting it right is priceless, delivering on the three Ps of the bottom line – people, profits and the planet.

Click here to find out more and register for this unmissable event!

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