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Hydrogen emerges as key player in decarbonising the construction industry, urges leading trade association

Hydrogen emerges as key player in decarbonising the construction industry, urges leading trade association

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In response to the consultation on non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero and the Department for Transport, the Hydrogen Energy Association (HEA) has strongly advocated for hydrogen as a crucial element in reshaping the construction industry’s sustainability efforts.

The HEA, representing 120 leading hydrogen businesses, asserts that the government’s current vision for NRMM inadequately recognises the potential of hydrogen in comparison to electrification. Celia Greaves, CEO of HEA, emphasised the need for a more comprehensive approach, urging the UK government to devise a pragmatic, long-term roadmap that prioritises hydrogen alongside other technologies.

“Hydrogen is well-suited to the high energy output and flexibility demands of NRMM,” stated Greaves. “Both hydrogen internal combustion engines (ICEs) and fuel cells offer benefits for NRMM decarbonisation… ICEs offer reduced initial investment for manufacturers looking to switch from fossil fuels together with zero carbon and minimal NOx emissions, [while] fuel cells offer low operational costs, reliability and zero emissions.”

Addressing technical barriers, the HEA emphasised the unsuitability of certain technologies like battery electric and tethered electric for all NRMM applications due to harsh operating conditions and mobility requirements. Unlike electric solutions, hydrogen’s flexibility and adaptability make it a viable option even in transient environments like construction sites.

The HEA’s response not only highlighted concerns but also presented concrete recommendations to the government. These include aligning with the EU’s recognition of hydrogen ICE as a zero-emissions technology, drawing inspiration from successful subsidy schemes in the Netherlands and Norway, and sponsoring dedicated trials of decarbonised NRMM solutions to showcase their efficacy.

“The decarbonisation of NRMM cannot be satisfied by a single technology,” HEA’s response emphasised. “Favouring particular technologies, such as electrification, should be avoided, as this risks undermining other solutions, as well as any new solutions developed in the future.”

The HEA’s resounding call for hydrogen’s greater role in decarbonising NRMM signals a significant shift in the construction industry’s approach towards sustainability.

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